HTAN Checklist for Acceptance of Data
When an HTAN Data Contributor is considering contribution of data to the HTAN DCC, this checklist should be used by the Data Contributor to determine if the data meets basic HTAN contribution requirements.
All HTAN centers must have an executed Human Tumor Atlas Network DMSA (Internal Data and Materials Sharing Agreement) (HTAN DMSA) with Sage Bionetworks prior to contributing data to the HTAN Data Coordinating Center (DCC). Sean Hanlon from the NCI will be reaching out to new Centers to coordinate collection of DMSA signatures.
If the Data Contributor is able to affirm their understanding of this checklist and that the data meet the criteria in this checklist, then the Data Contributor may engage their HTAN Data Liaison to begin the data contribution process.
If the Data Contributor has concerns about the acceptability of their data contribution, the Data Contributor may contact the HTAN DCC to request Data Contribution Support via the HTAN Help Desk: https://sagebionetworks.jira.com/servicedesk/customer/portal/1
When necessary, a final determination regarding acceptability of data to HTAN DCC will be at the discretion of NCI and the HTAN DCC PIs. If the decision is that the data should not be shared with the HTAN DCC, Sage can work with the Data Contributor to share the data elsewhere in Synapse.