All research participants, biospecimens and derived data within HTAN are associated with unique HTAN identifiers.
Research participants are identified with the following pattern:
<participant_id> ::= <htan_center_id>_integer
Where the htan_center_id
is the HTAN Center Prefix. (e.g. HTA1, HTA2) Please see HTAN Centers for a full list of HTAN Center prefixes.
Derivative data includes anything derived from a research participant, including biospecimens such as samples, tissue blocks, slides, aliquots, analytes, and data files that result from assaying those biospecimens. These identifiers follow the pattern:
<derivative_entity_id> ::= <participant_id>_integer
For example, if research participant 1 within the CHOP project (HTA4) has provided three samples, you would have three HTAN IDs, such as:
Special Identifiers
If a single data file is generated from one of those samples, that file could have an HTAN ID such as:
If a single data file is derived from more than one participant, the file identifier may contain a wildcard string e.g. ‘0000’, after the HTAN center identifier. For example:
If a data file is derived from an external control participant, the biospecimen and file identifiers will contain the string ‘EXT’ before the external control participant integer. For example:
If you will be creating HTAN identifiers for a HTAN Center or Trans Network Project (TNP), please see the step-by-step directions in the Data Submission section of this manual.
ID to ID linkages
Note that the explicit linking of participants to biospecimens to assays is not encoded in the HTAN Identifier. Rather, the linking is encoded in explicit metadata elements (see Relationship Model).